Behind the 8 ball once again….after I’ve gardened all week to keep the wolf from the door, finding the time and energy to do it again at home is somewhat a challenge!!!!
I've finally got my sweet pea seedlings in the ground.
Sweet Sweet Sweet Pea…
Latin name...Lathyrus odoratus
Hardy Annual, full sun and are great pollinators
Delicate, divine and heavenly scented…
Isn’t it the first thing you want to do when you come across sweet peas is to stick your face into them, close your eyes and be carried away with the scent which evokes memories
The Language…
Departure and goodbyes, blissful pleasure, thank you, remember me
The Cut Flower…
The more you pick the more they flower. They are a fantastic cut and come again.
Cut them and stick them in a vase and enjoy. Keep them in a cool area of the house away from direct sun and heat.
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