Ended up in bed for the day with some kind of gastro bug , seems to be the only way for me to have time for my blog these days. Please forgive my months and months of neglect with this, I am working on it, it's an ongoing process...
Well my first season of growing hasn't gone too badly considering I haven't put in the time and effort I would have liked. Next season will be better!! I'm already ahead of what I was doing this time last year . I have compacted my client gardening, done all the hard yards of clearing the space and when there is only me to do it all I must say I haven't done too badly. More time for my flowers is what I'm aiming for!!!
This coming year I will build up the garden beds more. I had a few stunted plants due to them hitting the clay ground.
Anyway here's a selection of some of my flowers I have grown this season, the bees have loved them...